Our Scholarship
The Oklahoma Engineering Foundation works to advance STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education in Oklahoma and keep engineering professionals employed in the state. One of the ways we do this is through the Oklahoma Engineering Foundation Scholarship, an endowed scholarship fund managed by the Oklahoma City Community Foundation. Over the past 45 years, we have awarded more than $350,000 to engineering students at Oklahoma universities.

$2,000 Scholarships
The Oklahoma Engineering Foundation
announces the availability of up to four collegiate scholarships for students pursuing a degree in an accredited engineering curriculum. Student applicants must be entering their junior or senior year in the fall of 2024, and must attend one of seven Oklahoma universities offering degrees in engineering.
Qualifying Universities
Applicants must be enrolled in an engineering degree program at one of the following Oklahoma universities:
Northeastern State University Oklahoma Christian University
Oklahoma State University
Oral Roberts University
University of Central Oklahoma
University of Oklahoma
University of Tulsa
Application Details
Applicants will be evaluated based on Grade Point Average (GPA); STEM Coursework; College Activities (Technical and Non-Technical); Academic Honors; Volunteer Activities; Employment and Essay. The annual deadline for applications is December 31, 2024. Applications open August 1, 2024. For an application or more details, email jennifer@oef.org.
Application (CONFIDENTIAL)
Giving to a Scholarship Endowment
The Oklahoma Engineering Foundation Scholarship Fund was established by OEF to support scholarships for engineering students at Oklahoma universities. Make an online donation to this organization’s permanent endowment fund at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation.
The Oklahoma Engineering Foundation Scholarship Fund is a permanent endowment that offers a simple and enduring way to help college students further their education in engineering. In establishing it, OEF had the ability to designate eligibility requirements including education level (juniors), field of study (engineering), geographic area (students attending one of six Oklahoma universities).
The OEF Scholarship Chair is Joy Kotey, P.E., City of Oklahoma City Utilities.
Scholarship Donors
Since 2012, nearly three dozen individuals, groups and organizations have given to the OEF Scholarship Fund. OEF wishes to publicly thank these individuals for their generous support.
American Online Giving Foundation
Conoco Phillips
D. Lowry Blakeburn, II and Rebeccas S. Blakeburn
Diane Bloodworth
Dr. Curtis M. Vickery
Duane and Helen Wilson
Gaylon and Anne L. Pinc
Geoff O. and Mary F. Mitchell
George and Anna Milleret
H.W. Lochner, Inc.
J. Kevin Cooper P.E., F.NSPE
James Sieck
John and Deborah Hatmaker
John C. Mihm
John R. Withrow
Lew O. Ward
Mark W. and Pamela K. Fly
Monte R. Lee and Company
Mr. Frank J Parker
OCCF / Kirkpatrick Family Affiliated Fund
OCCF / Scholarship Match Temporary Fund
OEF Central Chapter Auxiliary Scholarship
Public Service Company of Oklahoma
Robert D. Strattan, P.E. and Vada M. Strattan
Rogers L. Edwards
Steve Mason
Steven and Jonith L. Grundmann
Structural Engineering Council of Oklahoma
Wendy Calvin
William F. and Mary L. Connole
William McNatt
Zane W. and Monica A. Dunnam
Scholarship Recipients
The OEF College Engineering Scholarship was originally endowed by 12 engineers in Oklahoma in the late 1970s. It was OEF’s first formal program following its launch in 1975. Today, and nearly 50 years later, their legacy continues.

Ways To Give to OEF’s Scholarship
Gifts to the OEF Scholarship Fund at the Oklahoma City Community Foundation can be made in several ways. By using assets other than cash, you can make a significant gift without impacting your current lifestyle. They even offer giving options that provide fixed payments back to you during your lifetime. See below for more details.
Will or Trust
Include a gift in your will or trust.
Name the Oklahoma City Community Foundation as one of the beneficiaries of your retirement account or life insurance policy.
Make a gift of appreciated securities, land or personal property.
IRA Rollover
Use your annual required minimum distribution from your individual retirement account to make a tax-free IRA charitable rollover gift.

Scholarship Review
- 3.0 GPA or Above
- College Activities, Technical
- College Sponsored Activities, Non-Technical
- STEM Education Courses
- Academic Honors or Other Special Achievements
- Volunteer Activities Not Sponsored by College
- Employment while Attending College /Summer Employment
- Essay
- Phone Interview